Dodge Durango | The Dalles, OR 97058 | 1D4HB48N86F181460 | New and Used Cars | Auto Insurance | Car Loans
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2006  Dodge  Durango
VIN: 1D4HB48N86F181460

Recent Asking Price: $11,990
Estimated Payment: $200
Last Reported Mileage: 114,424
Exterior Color: Atlantic Blue Pearlcoat

Vehicle located in The Dalles, OR 97058
Vehicle Options
12V Pwr Points,Adaptive Variable Suspension,Adjustable Steering Wheel,Air Ride Suspension,Am/Fm Stereo Cd,Anti-Lock Brakes,Bucket Seats,Cargo Tie Down Hooks,Center Arm Rest/Console,Climate Control Seats,Compact Disc Player,Cruise Control,Custom Wheels,Fog Lights,Fold Down Rear Seats,Front Air Conditioning,Intermittent Wipers,Luxury Seating Pkg,Map Light,Passenger Side Air Bag,Power Brakes,Power Door Locks,Power Mirrors,Power Steering,Power Windows,Rear Air Conditioning,Roll Bar,Roof Rack,Split Bench Seat,Third Row Seating,Wood Grain Dash

City MPG: 12
Highway MPG: 15

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